Indicators of Ego-centric Networks: Systematic Review

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Knowledge and Information Science Group, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Information Management Group, Islamic World Science & Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute(ISC), Shiraz, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Science Group, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran



Purpose: The purpose of this study was to systematically examine dimensions and categorize the indicators of ego-centric networks in the literature to create a basis for evaluating the performance of scientific outputs or networks of people
Method: The current research was done with an analytical approach and a systematic review method. The steps of data search and analysis in this study were developed based on the standard guidelines of Prisma. For this purpose, 23 researches related to EGO network indicators from 2003 to 2023 have been presented in the core collection of Science, Scopus, and IEEE websites after refining the results. Moreover, in all three databases, restrictions on the type of documents (articles and books), period (2003 to May 22, 2023), and language (English) were applied.
Findings: The reviewed studies have identified three levels of ego network indicators according to structural and combined characteristics in the form of 21 indicators: ego-alter ties indicators, alter attributes indicators, and Alter-alter ties. Four indicators of ego-alter ties include network size, Multiplexity, Tie Strength, and Tie Dispersion, which show different dimensions of relationships between the central entity (ego) and alters. The indicators related to the altered attributes in the ego network include six indicators of network composition: ego-alter similarity, heterogeneity, alter centrality, altered dispersion, and geographical dispersion. Two common social sciences concepts, social capital, and social support, can be defined and calculated as a subset of the combination criterion. Eleven indicators in the category of alter-alter ties include density, number, and size of components, Burt's Structural Hole Measures (four measures of effective size, Constraint, efficiency, and hierarchy are proposed to calculate this index), Gould and Fernandez Brokerage, Ego betweenness index, Degree centrality, closeness centrality, Alter Betweenness centrality, cliques, number of isolates nodes and Core-periphery. Some network structural metrics are graph-based and based on graph theory. Among others, we can refer to density, closeness centrality, degree centrality, alter Betweenness centralization, cliques, number of isolates nodes, and Core-periphery. When applied to personal networks, these metrics typically have a particular meaning and interpretation, especially if the ego is excluded. These meanings are different from their socio-centric network meaning.
Conclusion: Several kinds of research have been conducted on ego-centric networks, each dealing with some specific number of criteria related to the characteristics of these networks, and have tried to be a basis for evaluating the performance of the networks. Research gaps we identified in this field include reviewing the software required to implement the indicators and how to illustrate, validate, and apply these indicators in scientometrics, science evaluation, and technology research and policy.


Main Subjects

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