1- How can I submit my article?

Step1: Please read Ethical Guideline carefully.


Step2: Register with our Website.


Step3: Read and follow our Writing Style.


Step4: Use our template to upload your article.


Step5: Read the Submission Guide Carefully.


Step6: Click on Submit manuscript to upload.

2- Should I submit my articles in a special template?

Yes, please use our template.

3- What should I do after submitting my article?

you will receive an email from us with your article’s details included. You can trace the process of acceptance in our Flow Diagram

4- How can I track my article?

There is an Article tracking option but only for corresponding authors.

5- What should I do when I receive reviewer’s comments?

You have to react to comments either accept and implement suggestions or explain why you can’t accept them. Also, you have to complete response to reviewers form.

6- How long does it take to get my paper accepted?

It depends on when we receive reviewer/s response, the time it takes that you address their comments. However, on the average not more than 2 months.

7- How can I change correspondence author or correct affiliations?

Both can be done by the corresponding author before receiving acceptance letter.

8- How can I withdraw my article?

As the corresponding author you should upload a request addressed to the editor-in chief via Submissions Being Processed.

9- Does it cost to publish in NASTINFO?

Yes for submissions send by Iran, No for articles send by other countries.

10- Why has been I got money back after I deposited money ?

Please use only Firefox browser for depositing money.