About Journal

 Last update: 13 Feb. 2022

Librarianship and Information Organization Studies published since May 1990 by the National Library of Iran (NLI), is a peer-reviewed, open access journal for original contributions. Until 2011, the title of our journal was Faslnameh-yeh Ketab [Book Quarterly]. The change occurred in 2011 when the editorial board decided to shift the focus of the journal to information organization, as the role of NLI is to undertake the leadership in this area. The new title was accepted in Feb. 2022.

Therefore, while we welcome submissions in other subject areas, our priority is receiving research and analytical articles that contribute to the advancement of information organization theory and practice.

The copy right of Librarianship and Information Organization Studies belongs to the National Library of Iran. Also, there is an agreement between NLI and the Iranian Library and Information Science Association (ILISA) for cooperation with regard to publication of this journal.

.This journal use Creative Commons License, so any reuse is permitted by citation to articles