Analysis of Citation-based Indicators to Determine the Relevance of Articles

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 PhD Candidate, Knowledge and Information Science Department, International Division, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 PhD in Knowledge & Information Science, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

3 PhD in Knowledge & Information Science, Professor, School of Education & Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran,

4 PhD in Computer Engineering, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering & IT, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

5 PhD in Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the potential of citation-based indicators (Co-Citation, Bibliographic Coupling, Amsler, PageRank, HITS) to determine the relevance of articles.
  Method: This is applied research with correlational approach. The population consisted of 26,262 articles in the PubMed Central open access subset of the CITREC, which had citation relationship with other articles based on all three traditional citation-based indicators (Co-Citation, Bibliographic coupling, Amsler). From among the citations in the research population, 30 were selected as basic ones, and the full-text of them were retrieved based on the mesh similarity. Then the similarities among the retrieved documents were extracted based on citation-based indicators. Each of the citation-based metrics was considered as independent variable and the mesh similarity as dependent variable. A MySQL database was created using WampServer simulation software and PHP My Admin. Then, using online demo of the CITREC test collection, an output was prepared.  By entering the output into the MySQL database which contains the research data set, the main structure of its tables was created. Finally, by studying all the required codes from the CITREC source code package, we attempted to enter the required codes by applying necessary changes. The results were entered in the created MySQL database. By writing a query in SQL language, the set citation network was completely extracted and stored in a Comma-separated values (CSV) file. Then, a program was written in Python that could open and process this large file and calculate PageRank and HITS numbers (authority and Hub).
   Findings: The results showed that all six measures studied had a significant and positive correlation with the relevance of articles. In other words, with increasing the values ​​of each measure, the degree of relevance of the articles also increased. The highest correlation with the relevance of the articles belonged to the Amsler measure, followed by the Bibliographic Coupling. After Amsler and Bibliographic Coupling, the highest correlation was observed in the HITS(Authority) variable, and the PageRank variable was in the fourth place; Finally, the lowest correlation with the relevance of the articles was related to the Co-Citation and the HITS (Hub). Therefore, among the known Citation- based measure studied here, Amsler, Bibliographic Coupling, HITS(Authority) and PageRank metrics, respectively, had more potential to determine the relevance of articles rather than others.
  Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the citation-based metrics studied are able to estimate the degree of relevance of articles. Therefore, they can be used in various information retrieval platforms, including search engines, citation- based databases, recommender systems, and even digital libraries to access articles, suggest similar articles, and rank retrieved results; Also, the Amsler measure as the less used in information retrieval systems than the two traditional Measure (Co- Citations and Bibliographic Coupling) needs to be considered more than ever. On the other hand, despite the fact that Co- Citations measure is used in some international information retrieval databases (such as Science Direct and CiteSeer) to retrieve relevant documents and suggest similar documents, it is less efficient than other metrics.


Main Subjects

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