One Service and Two Viewpoints: An Analysis of the Gap between the Viewpoint of Librarians and Users of the National Library about the Services Provided, Received and Expected

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 Associate Professor of Library and Information Science; National Library and Archives of I.R. Iran

2 M.A. of Library and Information Science; Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, I.R. Iran


Purpose: This research aims to analyze and compare the viewpoint of users and librarians of the
National Library of Iran about the quality of information services in this library.
Design/Methodology/Approach: In terms of its goal and type, this research is applied, and in
terms of its data collection method, it is a survey study.
Findings: From the viewpoint of the staff, the staff and the quality of the resources had only met
the minimum expectations of the library users. The quality of the library environment in a real
level (existing) was higher than the lowest expectations of the users. From the viewpoint of the
users, the library staff had not been successful in satisfying their expectations. The quality of the
library resources in its current state is lower than the least expectations of the users. The National
Library is in a better state in terms of the location and environment dimensions than the effectiveness
of services and information control.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the viewpoint of the two studied groups in
minimum and maximum levels. From the users’ viewpoint, the library had not been successful
in meeting even their minimum expectations and it is very far from reaching the desired status.
