Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article
Ph.D. Student in Educational Management; Karazmi University, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Ph.D. Student in Education Evaluation, Instructor at University of Tehran, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Professor, Department of Education; Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Purpose: The model of internal evaluation for assessing factors and indicators affecting quality
in the Library and Information Science Department of Tarbiat Moallem University of Tehran has
been employed in this research.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research is descriptive and evaluative. The studied population
includes faculty members, heads of departments, students, alumni, employers of alumni,
and library officials. The data have been used in four subpopulations without sampling, including
faculty members, students, department head, and library officials and two subpopulations with
convenience sampling i.e. alumni and employers. The data collection tools were questionnaires,
interviews and a checklist which had been prepared based on 7 factors, 40 criteria, and 124 indicators.
The Quality of the studied department was analyzed using descriptive analytic methods.
Findings: The incomes section, with an average of 2.25, is in a relatively favorable condition, the
processes part, with an average of 2.40, is in a favorable condition and the outcomes section, with
an average of 2, is in a relatively favorable condition. The group is generally in a relatively favorable
Conclusion: This study, in line with other studies and specialized texts, confirmed that using the
internal evaluation model, due to its comprehensive look at the factors affecting academic departments
and the collaboration of faculty members in the process of evaluation, can show the aspects
of the quality of the academic system and it can lead to an increase in the feeling of responsibility
of the faculty members towards evaluation and improving quality and become a basis for strategic
and functional planning of the department. Based on the results, applied and research suggestions
have been proposed for improving the quality of departments.
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