Nahj-ol_Balagheh: text research based on two authoritative manuscripts of 5th and 6th Hijri centuries

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


Senior Reseacher, National Archives and Library of Iran


Purpose: Patial inter-checking contents of two old manuscripts, then checking both against
an authoritative print version to anser the question whether new edtion is needed or not.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Tables of frequency were used ti analyse the text. One
very lengthy chapter, one lengthy chapter, one semi-lenghy chapter, two moderate size
chapters, and one very lengthy letter (nearly 15% of the entire text) were analysed.
Findings: The 6th century manuscript (held at NLAI) had 144 cases of variations with the
printed version. The 5th century manuscript shared 94 instances (around 70%).
Conclusion: Preparing an authoritative version of the book is needed
