Staff Training for Library Services for Visually Impaired Users: Viewpoints of Librarians and LIS Educators in Iran

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 MA student in LIS, University of Tehran Research Assistant, Library and Information Science Laboratory, University of Tehran

2 Faculty member of LIS department, University of Tehran Director, Library and Information Science Laboratory, University of Tehran

3 M.A. in LIS


Purpose: Examines skills required by librarians serving  visually impaired people (VIP) information needs.
Methodology: Skills were identified through review of literature.  Skills were grouped in 21 subject categories. An online questionnaire containing question relevant to all categories was designed and distributed among librarians and LIS educators across Iran. Responses have analyzed by descriptive statistics (for close questions) and a content analysis (for open questions). Data was used for modeling a course.
Findings: The majority of respondants think that current LIS curriculum is insufficient for the purpose. About 85% of librarians and 55% of LIS educators agree that a course should be added to the curriculum.
Conclusion:  We need to know more about VIP and mentally or physically handicapped. Therefore, more consideration to this issue is vital to improve library services to VIPs.
