Challenges Facing Publication of Plays for Children and Young Adults: Vews from Publishing Industry

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Tehran

2 M. A. LIS, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


Purpose: Identifies problems facing children and young adults plays in Iran.
Method/Research Design:  We have surveyed the views of 113 out of 160 publishers in Tehran. Data was analyzed with SPSS and Excel applications.
Findings: Insufficient demand from theater producers overwhelmingly (89.4 %) regarded as the cause; low quality of plays was considered an important barrier by 59.3 % of respondents; poor translations of foreign  by 54%. Styles of writings were regarded as average. Illustrations regarded good by 61.9 %. Production and printing quality good regarded to be good (52.2%).
