The Book Locator Device is an Example of Innovation and Creativity in Library Stacks: An Applied Research Study

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Knowledge and Information Science, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Knowledge and Information Science Group, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: This research deals with the problem of innovation and optimization of providing services related to the library stack to facilitate the restoration and accurate arrangement of books and the protection and maintenance of resources. In this regard, the innovative book locator device tool has been evaluated in libraries.
Method: To achieve the goal of this research, an experimental method has been used. The type of this research is also applied. Data collection was done through the distribution of two types of questionnaires "pre-test" and "post-test" in two stages with a time interval of two months. To collect this information, 50 employees working in the stack of target libraries participated in the period of December 2020 to February 2022. The target community of this research included 10 important libraries in Tehran which had similar sections and the same row. Therefore 50 book locator devices were produced and their use was tested for 60 days. The main components of this research on the effectiveness of using the book locator device to solve book stack problems are: reducing waste of time, reducing the amount of disorganized resources, reducing depreciation of resources, reducing empty places of books and archival items, and increasing accuracy in the exact arrangement of resources. Questionnaire data was collected using a control group and a Likert scale test. The reliability of the research was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient higher than 0.7. Finally, the answers were analyzed using Excel and SPSS software.
Findings: The results of this research showed that more than 71 percent of the statistical population of the research consider the use of the book locator device to reduce the depreciation of books in the library stack to be effective. Also, the use of the book locator device has solved 98 percent of the problems related to displacement and mistakes in the arrangement of books in the library stack. After testing the book locator device, 87 percent of users mentioned that the correct and accurate arrangement of books on the shelf saves time and increases work speed. Additionally, 96 percent of sample individuals reported that, during book returns, the flashing light of the book locator device increases work speed and attracts librarian attention.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that none of the studied libraries have a book locator device and the arrangement of books is done by librarians. 90 percent of people participating in the research evaluated the book locator device as a useful tool which indicates the efficiency of this device in the library environment. In general, the use of the book locator device is an example of innovation and creativity in the stack of libraries and can have general and practical aspects and help to increase the efficiency in the management of library resources.


Main Subjects

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