Articles' Novelty: Evaluation of Nuclear Technology Journals by Using the Edge Factor Index

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Knowledge & Information Science, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran

2 Professor, Department of Knowledge & Information Science, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran

3 Associate Professor, Information Management Department, Islamic World Science & Technology Monitoring & Citation Institute (ISC), Shiraz, Iran

4 Associate professor, Department of Knowledge & Information Science, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran



Purpose: The edge Factor index provides a new evaluation for journal articles to evaluate the novelty and innovation of journal articles. In other words, it determines novel ideas close to the edge of scientific frontiers, and its results can be used as a complementary tool in planning and making policies to evaluate journals in various scientific fields. Based on this, the purpose of this article was to assess the scientific articles of the nuclear technology journals in the INIS database to provide a new evaluation of these journals based on measuring the novelty and innovation of the articles using the Edge Factor index from 2001 to 2020.
Method: This was an application research conducted by scientometric methodology and data mining techniques. The population comprised all nuclear science and technology records from 2001 to 2020, retrieved from the INIS database. The sources of data gathering included the Journal Citation Report (J.C.R.) the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) database, and its specialized thesaurus. Also, in this research to reach the goals of the research, a list of selected journals in the field of ​​nuclear science and technology was needed. This list was prepared using the 2020 edition of the journal citation report database. Using the browsing by category in this database, a list of 29 selected journals in the field of ​​nuclear science and technology based on the impact factor along with the data of the other citation indices of the journals, including the Eigen factor, Immediacy Index, and Article Influence Score were extracted. Data was analyzed using Excel 2021 and social science statistical software (SPSS) version 23, and the Shapiro–Wilk test, Pearson Correlation test, and Spearman Correlation test were conducted.
Findings: Results indicate that 79,879 articles had been retrieved from the INIS database in nuclear technology, from 2001 to 2020. The findings of measuring articles' vintage revealed that most articles with novel ideas were published in 2018mong the surveyed period. The results of journals' ranking based on measuring Edge Factor revealed that the "Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations" journal was at first. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the Edge Factor and the citation-based indexes, including the Impact Factor.
Conclusion: Journals should publish articles that are at the frontier of science in order to science advancement. Using content-based indexes, including the Edge Factor as complementary indexes in journals' evaluation can help to design evaluation and ranking systems that capture not just influence but also what kind of science -novel science or conventional science- is being pursued.


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