Citation Analysis and Histographic Outline of Scientific Output in Pathology by the Middle East countries Using Science Citation Index during 2000-2009

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 MA in Library and information Science, Islamic World Science Citation Center

2 MA in Library and Information Science, Shiraz University


Purpose: Evaluation the scientific production of the Middle East countries through 2000 to 2009 in the web of science database.
Methodology: By employing citation analysis methods, this research attempts to identify top authors and top journals and also tries to draw a histographic outline of the Pathology science.
Findings: The average annual growth in publications in mentioned years is 15.25%. Total of 2488 records were presented in 8 different formats.  The clusters formed in the histographic outline based on LCS and GCS included 6 and 4 clusters orderly.
Conclusion: Results showed that only 2 percent of whole scientific publications allocated to Middle East countries. This percent doesn't show desirable situation.