Future of Textual Information Retrieval Systems

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 PhD Candidate, Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, University of Isfahan, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Isfahan, Iran

3 Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,

4 PhD in Knowledge and Information Science, Doctoral School of Business Informatics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, Associate Professor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Futures Studies, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and Technologies, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Purpose: To identify factors influencing the future of text information retrieval systems with a forward-looking approach.
Methodology: Document analysis and survey are used to identify factors. The research population in the document analysis section consists of literature related to the textual information retrieval field and in the survey section consists of the specialists in information retrieval. Purposive sampling is applied in both sections.
Findings: The results reveal that among the examined indicators, technology index is the most important index in the future of information retrieval systems. in technology index, artificial intelligence with an importance factor of 93 in the political index, copyright with 86 importance factor; in the socio-cultural index, business reliance on the information with 87 importance factor; and in the economic index, programs associated with 86 importance factor are among the highest.
Conclusion: Information science professionals should concentrate more on all key identified factors if they want to have a more effective contributive role in the future of textual information retrieval systems, because knowing the past, understanding the present, and focusing on these existing factors can make the future more effectively


Main Subjects

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