Measuring Similarities between Open Peer Review Comments and Contents of Scientific Articles: a Natural Language Processing Technique Inquiry

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 PhD Candidate, Knowledge and Information Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, Shiraz


Purpose: The social web provides a platform for publicizing open peer review reports. In this sphere, journal readers, authors, editors, and reviewers can involve in multilateral discussions on the reviewed papers and share their comments and viewpoints on the merits and probable pitfalls of papers. Open peer review comments may, hence, reflect the features of their mother articles. To identify this potential, the present study investigates to what extent similar comments accurately predict similar papers.
Methodology: Applying natural language processing techniques, it analyzes the contents of a sample of papers in medicine and life sciences and the comments received by them. To do so, a test collection is built from the papers openly published on F1000Research, an open access publishing platform that adheres to an open peer reviewing process by transparently providing the public with peer review reports, authors’ responses, and users’ comments. The test collection consists of 2212 papers and their comments. 100 papers are randomly selected as seed documents that serve as queries. The similarities between the comments and the contents of the papers are calculated using Cosine similarity of TF-IDF values. The TF-IDF values are calculated for both unigrams and bigrams extracted from the contents and comments. The correlation between the content and comment similarities is analyzed using Spearman correlation, given the non-normality of the data distributions. The accuracy of prediction of the papers’ content similarity by the similarity of their comments is tested using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves.
Findings: The results of the Spearman correlation revealed a significant correlation between the content and comment similarities. This signifies that similar papers are more likely to receive similar comments and vice versa. The ROC curves show that similar comments can significantly identify similar papers, either at unigram or bigram level. The prediction is highly accurate.
Conclusion: Similar comments are effective in representing similar papers. In other words, similar comments are expected to present similar papers. This finding has implications for interactive information retrieval systems, where users are interested in reading experts’ comments on a given paper before viewing or downloading the paper itself. The findings also may pave the path towards new studies about the application of the comments in such spheres as information retrieval, evaluation or classification, where content similarity is of importance.


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