Customer relationship management in libraries

Document Type : Research َ Article



The motto “the customer is always right” has always been one of the fundamental
principles applied by successful trade and service organizations. This principle is
completely true for libraries as well. A library as an organization in which the quality
of the services has a close link with research, development, cultural and the fundamental
academic issues of the society, need to plan for presenting the best services.
Communicating with users and providing them with personal service helps libraries
reach their goals and effectively present their services. Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) is an appropriate strategy for identifying the needs of users
and having a permanent and mutual relationship between libraries and users. This
produces satisfaction for current users of the library and attracts new users.
This article explains the concept of CRM, the features of CRM systems, its advantages
in libraries and the necessity of applying the strategy in today’s libraries.
