Information Clustering

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 Ph.D. in Library and Information Science; Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Library and Information Science; National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran


Clustering is a process of organizing objects into groups whose elements are similar to each other. A cluster is therefore a collection of objects which are similar to each other and dissimilar to the objects belonging to other clusters. The goal of clustering is to quickly access interconnected information and identify logical relationships between them. Clustering algorithms can be applied in many fields. As clustering results would be affected by the number of terms used, various experimental methods are used to find the approximate number of terms expected to produce a balanced distribution of data among clusters, and set upper and lower boundaries for the clustering algorithm. One of the applications of clustering is the organization of thesauri. The main objective of this paper is to have an accurate and appropriate explanation of the information clustering concept and its application in thesaurus structure. This research utilized library study to explain effective information clustering methods and their application in thesaurus structure. Some of the main methods of clustering are cliques clustering, single link, star and string clustering. The findings show that utilization of appropriate algorithms and useful methods of information clustering play an important role in optimum thesaurus organization
