The effectiveness of bibliotherapy studies in children and adolescents by meta-analysis

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 PhD Candidate, Knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University; Lecturer of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Sabzevar

2 Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University

3 Professor of Psychology and Education Science, Kharazmi University

4 Assitant Professor of Psychology and Education Science, Kharazmi University



Purpose: The purpose of this research is to use meta-analysis of research findings of bibliotherapy for children and adolescent in recent ten years in Iran and abroad. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of bibliotherapy by the means of calculating the effect size. Although the research studied the effect of bibliotherapy on different problems and investigated that how much effective was the type of dependent variables and different moderators.
Methodology: Meta-analysis was used as a statistical technique .The population of the present meta-analysis was preceding studies in the field of bibiotherapy and research unites were previous independent primary research. The population of this study was the all scientific papers published in academic journals, scientific conferences and thesis in the 10-year period (1394-1384) by the subject of bibliotherapy. The papers must be available in different database and as well as have the necessary condition. According to Inclusion criteria of study, 58 work by 87 effect size get. To calculate the effect size, CMA software version 2 was used.
Findings: Findings showed that overall effect size was 1.004 that is high according to the table of Cohen. The finding of this meta-analysis is compliance with previous studies that shows bibliotherapy is an effective and efficient approach for treating disorders and preventing and development of children and adolescent. Finding also showed that moderators like control group, type of therapist, contact to therapist are effective to some extent but moderators like sex has not effectiveness on result.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of bibliotherapy for children and adolescent is high and could be used as a treatment method for diffrent disorders and problems.


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