An Analysis on Development of Novel Concepts of Information and Their Effects on Library and Information Science Concepts Using Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 Boushehr University of Medical Sciences

2 Department of Knowledge and Information Science. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

3 Head, Dept. Knowledge & Information Science, Shahid Chamran University


Purpose: To explore the current developments and changes of attitudes in novel concepts of information such as knowledge organization, information ecology, and Scientometrics; using Luhmann’s theory of social systems and regarding concepts like Autopoiesis and 2nd order Cybernetics. Also, to explain the impacts on librarianship and
the library as a functional system.
Methodology: Theoretical analysis and desk research. The identified changes analyzed based on Luhmann’s theory of social systems.
Results: According to Luhmann’s theory, libraries are sort of autopoietic systems which apply 2nd Order Cybernetic principles to observe themselves during changes. Constant changes in the environment cause new diagnostic operations and new phenomenological boundaries to be defined and new proper systems will be developed. To survive in
the complex environment and to be able to interact with other social systems, this new system has to develop new appropriate functions by means of autopoietic activities and self-reference.
Conclusion: Theoretically, Luhmann’s theory well explains the self-reference and re-description trends in libraries.


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