A Study on the Status of the Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired of the National Library of Iran and Proposing Solutions for Improving it

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 M.A. student in Library and Information Science Islamic Azad University, Hamedan branch, Hamedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, the National Library and Archives of I.R. Iran, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this research was to study the status of the National Library of Iran's special library for the blind and visually impaired and to explore the existing problems and shortcomings. The research was carried out as a descriptive survey and used questionnaires to collect data. The research population consisted of 33 blind and visually impaired users of the National Library. In this research, theoreticalissues about the blind and information, the blind and books and libraries, the blind and communication and information technology and modern technologies are studied. Then the special library for the blind and visually impaired is analyzed regarding human resources, information services, qualityand quantity of existing resources, equipment and the condition of the library building. Research findings show that more than 50 percent of the blind and visually impaired users of the National Library are satisfied with the services they receive. Findings also indicate that the library collection meets the information needs of blind users to a large extent but information services are not very satisfying. Furthermore the audio-visual equipment and building equipment are in good conditions and the area allocated to this section is very suitable. Obstacles which may be discussed regarding the access to the library area include, lack of special floor coverings for the blind and lack of audio signs. Users have.divided opinions about the adequacy of the number of library staffSAMIRA
