A Meta-Analysis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Acceptance in Iran

Document Type : Research َ Article



Purpose: To study Information and communication technology (ICT) acceptance in Iran using meta-analysis statistical method.
Methodology: Meta-analysis approach is employed. Population consists of all papers about ICT, 25 of which had measure of effect size. To conduct the meta-analysis, first the means and standard errors were gathered and their significance measured using the mean difference test. Then the effect size of variables measured using Hedges and interpreted using Cohen. Overall, 10 variables (4 main and 6 external) were assessed.
Results: All the variables were significant in technology acceptance, though with different means. The main 4 variables available in Davis Technology Acceptance Model had strong correlation. Similarly, most of external variables had great effect size.
Conclusion: Having high means and effect size, David Technology Acceptance Model variables are still ideal in this field.


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