A comparison of the citations in the theses of the engineering and humanities departments

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article



This research aims at analyzing the citation behavior of graduates of two departments
(technical engineering and humanities) from 2000 to 2005, based on the references
in the theses available in the library of IRANDOC (Iranian Science Institute
for Information Science and Technology). The methodology of the research was a
survey using citation analysis. The references of 400 theses of these two departments
were selected through stratified random sampling to be evaluated. Findings
showed that in total there were 18,353 citations to all information resources (including
12,230 citations out of 213 theses in the humanities and 6,123 out of 187 theses
in engineering). Average citations found to be 57.41 per thesis related to humanities
and 32.73 citations in the engineering. 85.88 percent of the theses in technical engineering
used English resources while 63.68 percent of theses in the humanities used
Persian ones. The least immediacy index of the resources was 3.31% while the most
was 35.62%. The correlation between the year of published information sources and
the number of citations to them was also 0.94 and 0.69.
