Librarians in the Information Society of Tomorrow

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Library and Information Science; Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in Library and Information Science; Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


An information society is the result of the development of information and communication technologies. It is a multi-faceted society in which all members are in need of information. In this society information is acquired by research. Users face new information needs. The objectives and roles of libraries have gradually changed. New information professions acquire high significance and the traditional roles and skills of librarians will be replaced by new skills. Therefore they attempt to promote their professional skills based on the changes of the technologies. This paper explains the information society and its features and evaluates professional approaches to it. Then introduces new jobs entitled hyperjobs. The role of librarians in the future and their professional specifications in the near future are also discussed.
