The Relation between Philosophy of Information and LIS According to Luciano Floridi: A Critical Analysis

Document Type : Research َ Article


Assistant Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Tehran University


Purpose: Analyzing the relation and interaction between philosophy of information and Library and Information Science (LIS) in order to equip it with reflective knowledge and to constitute a reasonable intellectual foundation for it. 
Methodology: Conceptual analysis and critical assessment of Luciano Floridi's thoughts about the relation between philosophy of information and LIS. 
Results: Philosophical reflection is a necessary condition to constitute a reasonable intellectual foundation for LIS. Philosophy of information can provide LIS with such a foundation. However, the relation between these two fields is not unilateral, but mutual. LIS as an applied philosophy of information can play an active role in further development of philosophy of information, especially in resolving practical and ethical problems of infosphere.
Conclusion: Though we can find important insights in Floridi's viewpoints about the relation between philosophy of information and LIS, his approach is eliminative, in that he disregards other intellectual schools than his own philosophy of information. Philosophy of information could be regarded as one of the intellectual resources for constituting theoretical foundation of LIS, but it is not the only resource. In contrast to Floridi's eliminative approach, a more pluralistic approach is suggested.Luciano Floridi, Library and Information Science, Philosophy of Information, Social Epistemology, Semantic Information


Main Subjects

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