A Bibliometric Study of “Informology Quarterly”

Document Type : Research َ Article


1 Faculty Member at Payame Noor University

2 M.A. in Library and Information Science; Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, Shiraz, Iran

3 Undergraduate Student in Library and Information Science; Payame Noor University


This research is a bibliometric study of the articles published in Informology Quarterly (Faslname Etelashenasi) from the beginning to the last issue (No.19) in spring of 2008. The findings show that 159 articles were published which cited 1,643 Latin sources (non-Persian and Arabic), 698 Persian and 669 internet resources. From 159 articles, 114 ones were written, 14 were translation, 18 were reports and 13 were book reviews. Narges Neshat and Abbas Horri are the authors who have the most articles and other types of writings published in the magazine. In addition, Hamid Keshavarz is the most active translator who has 2 articles in the magazine. 119 researchers are from Tehran province. Most of the authors have M.S. (Master of Science) in Library and Information Science.
