A Review of Types of Display inWeb-Based Thesauri

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 PhD student in Library and Information Science Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 PhD student in Library and Information Science University of Tehran, Iran


After the development of the web environment, the display types of thesauri were affected by the abilities and features of this environment. This article makes an effort to review the display types of thesauri especially in the web environment and to study the capabilities and effects of this environment on previous types of display. It also briefly reviews some of the web-based thesauri.
The findings of this research show that, although the web environment has brought about some changes in web-based thesauri in terms of accessibility, the use of different types of display without being worried about space limits, the ability to simultaneously see two or several display types and to see several levels of hierarchy; thesauri of the web environment still face challenges for which proper solutions must be found.
