The Quality of Papers of Iranian Scholars in the Field of Medical Sciences: An Impact Survey

Document Type : Research ŮŽ Article


1 M.A. in Library and Information Science; Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, Iran

2 M.A in Library and Information Science; Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, Iran


Purpose: The present study was conducted to investiage the quality of Iranian scholarly articles published during 2000-2009 on 22 medical subfields in terms of their journal impact.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study has a scientometric approach. The names of journals which had published the papers of Iranian scholars were extracted from the Web of Science and the impact factor of the mentioned journals was also found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Finally the mean, median and impact factor of the mentioned journals were compared with the mean, median, and impact factor of all journals in each category of JCR.
Findings: The impact factor of 59 percent of the journals which published papers of Iranian scholars was higher than 1 in all medical subfields. From a total of 22 journals, only 3 are in the top nine of JCR. In veterinary sciences and pharmaceutics the quality of the journals mentioned is at a low level. In 60 percent of the journals on medical sciences, veterinary sciences, and dentistry the mean and median of the impact factor of the journals publishing papers of Iranian researchers was higher than the mean and median of the impact factor of the total journals in each field in JCR. The proportion of Iranian journals indexed in ISI in publishing articles is 24/8 percent. In some subfields of medicine, the highest number of papers are published in Iranian journals which are indexed in ISI but have a low impact factor.
Conclusion: The number of papers published by Iranian scholars in journals with high impact factors is less than expected.
