Evaluation of Digital Libraries: Theoretical Framework

Document Type : Research َ Article


Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science; Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch, Hamedan, I.R. Iran


Purpose: This research aimed to review all of the levels, patterns, methods and elements effective in the evaluation of digital libraries.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study was done based on a literature review. Related resources were reviewed and their findings cited when needed.
Findings: Different evaluation methods are used for evaluation of digital libraries. Different methods and patterns of evaluation could be applied linked to evaluation purposes including understanding basic concepts like users’ information seeking behavior, ensuring the effectiveness of investment in user-oriented services, and development of research in various fields. Different levels of evaluation, like technical or social levels, are also very important in determining the evaluation method. So before carrying out any evaluation, all the purposes, bases, levels, patterns, methods, factors involved and different views in this field need to be considered and applied along with the other tools and facilities.
Conclusion: The present study showed that digital libraries are complex systems whose evaluation has not received adequate attention. Since the digital libraries are new, there are few integrated standard patterns for their evaluation. Therefore, identifying the aspects and factors involved in the evaluation of digital libraries is suggested in order to reduce the time, energy and costs needed for the evaluation process.
