Flow Diagram


 Last update: 19 Feb. 2022                                                                                                                                                      





1)      The author reads ethical guidelines.


2)      The author read guide for authors, writing style and prepares the manuscript using our template.

3)      The author registers with the journal site.


4)      The author sends the manuscript along with Copyright Declaration and pays the judgment fee.


5)       The Editor-in-Chief checks the manuscript for its structure. If the manuscript needs to be modified, it will be returned to the author. Otherwise, it will be sent to the Editorial Board Members for initial review and suggesting reviewers (1-2 days).


6)         Editorial Board Members review the manuscript for compatibility with the journal’s aims and scope.  If found compatible, they will nominate reviewers (2-3 days).


7)         Editor-in-Chief selects at least two reviewers from the list suggested by board members and the manuscript to them for review simultaneously (1-2 days)


8)         Reviewers send their comments (10-35 days)


9)         If the Editor-in-Chief finds reviewers’ opinions contradictory, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer to finalize the decision whether to accept or reject the manuscript.


10)       If reviewers have requested revision, the Editor-in-Chief sends a letter to the corresponding author to address their comments


11)       The author(s) address the comments and send back their reaction along with a Response to Reviewers Form (5-14 days).


12)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript along the authors Response Letter to reviewers.


13)       If reviewers require manuscript to be reconsidered, the cycle is repeated from step 9 and continues until reviewers declare acceptance/rejection of the manuscript.


14)       The Editor-in-Chief re-sends the manuscript to the Editorial Board Member for final decision (2-3 days).


15)       Editorial Board Members approve or conditionally accept/reject the manuscript.


16)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the views of Editorial Board Members to the author(s).


17)       The author(s) address the comments of Editorial Board Members and return the manuscript.


18)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the revised manuscript to the Editorial Board Members.


19)       Editorial Board Members announce their final acceptance or rejection decision.


20)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the decision of the Editorial Board Members to the corresponding author.


21)       The author(s) will get an acceptance notification and are asked fill and sign Conflict of Interests Conformation Form and pay the publication fee.


22)       The Editor-in-Chief  announces the final acceptance of the manuscript after receiving the form and payment by the author(s).


23)       The Editor-in-Chief publishes the abstract of the manuscript in the "Forthcoming Articles" section.


24)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript to the Editor.


25)       The Editor-in-Chief sends the Editor’s version to the corresponding author.


26)       The manuscript will be published online after receiving the corresponding author’s confirmation.