Linked Data Research Literature: A Systematic Review

Document Type : Review Article


1 Student of PhD Candidate, Department of Information and Knowledge Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Information and Knowledge Science, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran


Purpose: Linked data as a component of the Semantic Web is defined as the best way to publish and link structured data on the web environment. Linked data creates integrated data as new data in that environment. Despite the efforts to create linked data in recent years, it can be said that it is expanding significantly. However, implementing it requires the use of new technologies in semantic web. This study aims to review the studies in this area in order to identify issues received more attention from the research community, as well as the benefits gained and challenges faced in implementation.
Method: Our search on the WOS revealed that 20 journals contain highest number of research in field of linked data with regard to library and information science. Out of 22966 articles identified, 20 were selected and reviewed using the standard Prisma guide,. This standard is designed for reporting Systematic Reviews. The research tool was a checklist based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.
Finding: Findings showed that semantic web, linked open data, ontology, interoperability, similarity, natural language processing, metadata, digital libraries are topics covered in the reviewed articles most. Technical benefits and challenges (related to linked data sets, linked data tools and methods, related to technological and ontological issues), financial and human benefits and challenges were examined. The benefits and challenges are both assigned to the technical category and the sub-category "benefits related to linked data sets" and "challenges related to linked data sets" with 35 percent. Discover the benefits of expanding entities by examining the types of links in linked data, create appropriate links data with data from other online services, improvement in open data discovery, and increase the visibility of linked data with data from other online services are among the benefits associated with linked datasets. Over diversity of interdisciplinary data, the complexity of accessible vocabulary, and the problems associated with cataloging resources are among the challenges associated with linked datasets. Methods and tools used most to use linked data are SKOS or "Simple Knowledge Organization System", DBPedia ontology, Bibliographic ontology (Bibo) and FOAF with frequencies of 7, 7, 5 and 4 respectively. Solutions and suggestions are presented in relation to implementation of linked data.
Conclusion: For successful implementation and application of linked data in libraries, information centers, and projects different methods and tools are used. Despite facing challenges, this has made organizing, searching, and retrieving information easier and beneficial outcomes.


Main Subjects

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